Taking advantage of HPC can dramatically speed up solutions for electronics simulations. Depending on whether you have ANSYS HPC licenses or ANSYS HPC Pack licenses, a different setting needs to be made in the HPC options, as shown here.
In Electronics Desktop, we click Tools > Options > HPC and Analysis Options:
The reason that it doesn't check the current time/date on internet is because FlexNet licensing can be used without computer accessing internet. You can also find this same issue for other software using FlexNet for their floating license technology. I installed HFSS 13 and 12 and 11,but I receive this error: Failed to check out license 'hfssdesktop'. Invalid (inconsistent) license key (FLEXlm. Q: License与软件顺利安装,但仍提示“failed to check out license hfss desktop”(测试版本 HFSS2014)。 A:出现这种问题: 1)请检查软件安装前,是否关闭了所有杀毒软件;2)至安装目录下Admin文件夹下,文本打开redirect.lic文件,确认第一行中的电脑名是否为安装有license的电脑名称。.
HFSS 11 will not work with DiskId based licensing and displays the following error: Failed to check out 'hfssdesktop' license. My Screen Recorder Pro 4.1 Crack Free Download. Possible causes are - The FLEXlm for Ansoft version on the license server is older than the version required by the software. The license file is corrupt.
For ANSYS HPC licenses, we set the option to “Pool”.
For ANSYS HPC Pack licenses, we set the option to “Pack”.
Failed To Check Out License 'hfss_desktop'
With ANSYS HPC licenses, each license task enables an additional core for solving. At release 19, 4 cores are enabled with standard licensing, so adding 8 ANSYS HPC tasks enables solving on 12 cores. With HPC Pack licenses, the first task enables an additional 8 cores, while a second task enables 8×4 or an additional 32 cores, etc. For more information, see the ANSYS documentation on HPC licensing.